Sunday, December 11, 2011

Dark World, Dek Maksimal dengan Budget Minimal 2

Hai hai, ketemu lagi dengan saya. dah lama banget ngga ngepost2 lagi. Masih dengan tema yang sama, namun combonya aga sedikit banyak tapi sepadan kok sama effect nya. Dek kali ini memakai Structure Deck: Gates of the Underworld. pasti teman-teman udah pernah liat SD nya.
Saat ini harga per SD nya masih sekitar 150rb, mungkin di masa yang akan datang akan tetep stabil, but who knows? SDGU ini berisi kartu Fiend dengan Atribut Dark. Effect kartu Dark World aktif ketika mereka dibuang dari tangan ke kuburan karna effect, bukan cost. Beberapa effect nya fokus pada special summon, menghancurkan kartu di lapangan, membuang kartu lawan di tangan nya ke kuburan dan atau ke kembali ke dek mereka. Isinya apa aja sih, berikut list nya:

SDGU-EN001 Grapha, Dragon Lord of Dark World
SDGU-EN002 Snoww, Unlight of Dark World
SDGU-EN003 Ceruli, Guru of Dark World
SDGU-EN004 Zure, Knight of Dark World
SDGU-EN005 Renge, Gatekeeper of Dark World
SDGU-EN006 Scarr, Scout of Dark World
SDGU-EN007 Kahkki, Guerilla of Dark World
SDGU-EN008 Gren, Tactician of Dark World
SDGU-EN009 Broww, Huntsman of Dark World
SDGU-EN010 Beiige, Vanguard of Dark World
SDGU-EN011 Brron, Mad King of Dark World
SDGU-EN012 Sillva, Warlord of Dark World
SDGU-EN013 Goldd, Wu-Lord of Dark World
SDGU-EN014 Reign-Beaux, Overlord of Dark World
SDGU-EN015 Belial - Marquis of Darkness
SDGU-EN016 Tragoedia
SDGU-EN017 Sangan
SDGU-EN018 Newdoria
SDGU-EN019 Goblin King
SDGU-EN020 Grave Squirmer
SDGU-EN021 Card Guard
SDGU-EN022 Battle Fader
SDGU-EN023 The Gates of Dark World
SDGU-EN024 Dark World Lightning
SDGU-EN025 Gateway to Dark World x2
SDGU-EN026 Dark World Dealings
SDGU-EN027 Allure of Darkness
SDGU-EN028 Card Destruction
SDGU-EN029 Terraforming
SDGU-EN030 Dark Eruption
SDGU-EN031 Dark Scheme
SDGU-EN032 The Forces of Darkness
SDGU-EN033 Deck Devastation Virus
SDGU-EN034 Eradicator Epidemic Virus
SDGU-EN035 Mind Crush
SDGU-EN036 Dark Deal
SDGU-EN037 The Transmigration Prophecy
SDGU-EN038 Escape from the Dark Dimension
SDGU-EN039 Dark Bribe
Effect mereka bisa kamu liat di Kamu juga bisa liat informasi lainnya disini 

Kalo gitu sekarang kita coba buat decklist dari original SD nya :

3x Grapha, Dragon Lord of Dark World
3x Snoww, Unlight of Dark World
3x Ceruli, Guru of Dark World
3x Broww, Huntsman of Dark World
3x Brron, Mad King of Dark World
2x Sillva, Warlord of Dark World
2x Goldd, Wu-Lord of Dark World
1x Sangan

3x The Gates of Dark World
3x Dark World Dealings
3x Dark World Lightning
1x Terraforming
1x Card Destruction
1x Allure of Darkness
1x Gateway to Dark World

2x Eradicator Epidemic Virus
2x Dark Scheme
1x Dark Deal
2x Dark Bribe

Grapha, Dragon Lord of Dark World, You can Special Summon this card (from your Graveyard) by returning 1 face-up "Dark World" monster you control to the hand, except "Grapha, Dragon Lord of Dark World". If this card is discarded to the Graveyard by a card effect: Target 1 card your opponent controls; destroy that target, then, if this card was discarded from your hand to your Graveyard by an opponent's card effect, look at 1 random card in your opponent's hand, then, if it was a monster, you can Special Summon it to your side of the field. (8* ATK 2700 DEF 1800)
Effect #1: yah, selama kartu ini ada di graveyard dan km punya 1 face-up "Dark World" monster lv4 kebawah, dan itu mudah sekali :D
Effect #2: klo dibuang dari tangan karna effect kartu, effect nya hancurkan 1 kartu lawan. klo dibuang dari tangan karna effect kartu lawan, bisa ngintip kartu di tangan lawan, klo monster bisa di summon di tempatmu. #jempol.

Snoww, Unlight of Dark World, If this card is discarded to the Graveyard by a card effect: If it was discarded from your hand to your Graveyard by an opponent's card effect, you can target 1 monster in your opponent's Graveyard; add 1 "Dark World" card from your Deck to your hand, then Special Summon that target (if any) in face-up Defense Position. (4* ATK 1700 DEF 0)
Effect #1: klo dibuang dari tangan karna effect kartu, km bisa add 1 kartu "Dark World" dari dek ke tangan. km bisa search kartu2  "Dark World" sesuai dengan kondisimu saat itu.
Effect #2: tambahan, klo dibuang dari tangan karna effect kartu lawan, km bisa ss 1 monster lawan dari kuburannya face-up Defense Position. Lumayaan.

Ceruli, Guru of Dark World, If this card is discarded to the Graveyard by a card effect: Special Summon this card from the Graveyard to your opponent's side of the field in face-up Defense Position. When this card is Special Summoned by the effect of a "Dark World" card: Your opponent must discard 1 card. (1* ATK 100 DEF 300)
Kombo sama Grapha, Dragon Lord of Dark World dan Dark World Lightning atau The Gates of Dark World. :D

Broww, Huntsman of Dark World, if this card is discarded to the Graveyard by a card effect: Draw 1 card, plus another card if this card is discarded from your hand to your Graveyard by an opponent's card effect. (3* ATK 1400 DEF 800)
Buat Drawer, lumayan +2 klo pke kombo sama Ceruli, Guru of Dark World

Brron, Mad King of Dark World, When this card inflicts Battle Damage to your opponent: You can discard 1 card. (4* ATK 1800 DEF 400)
Beater lv4 dengan effect gila klo ditanganmu ada monster Dark World.

Sillva, Warlord of Dark World, If this card is discarded to the Graveyard by a card effect: Special Summon it from the Graveyard, then, if this card was discarded from your hand to your Graveyard by your opponent's card effect, your opponent returns exactly 2 cards from their hand to the bottom of their Deck, in any order.(5* ATK 2300 DEF 1400)
Buat nguras kartu di tangan lawan :P

Goldd, Wu-Lord of Dark World, if this card is discarded to the Graveyard by a card effect: If it was discarded from your hand to your Graveyard by an opponent's card effect, you can target up to 2 cards your opponent controls; Special Summon this card from the Graveyard, then destroy those cards (if any). (5* ATK 2300 DEF 1400)
Bisa jadi penggantinya 2 MST dengan kombo yang tepat.

Sangan, searcher Ceruli sama Broww.

The Gates of Dark World, All Fiend-Type monsters gain 300 ATK and DEF. Once per turn: You can banish 1 Fiend-Type monster from your Graveyard; discard 1 Fiend-Type monster, then draw 1 card. Field Spell.
Goldd, Sillva jadi 2600 Atker, yang bisa di kasih Eradicator Epidemic Virus. Brron juga jadi 2100, sebanding sama Cydra tapi lebih murah :D Jangan lupa Grapha jadi 3000. Epic.
banish 1, buang 1, add 1. biasanya yg terbuang itu Ceruli, Grapha, Broww, Goldd. Dan kamu dapat 1 kartu gratis dr dek. Mau?

Dark World Dealings, Each player draws 1 card, then each player discards 1 card. Normal Spell.
Drawer dan (kebanyakan) SS monster gratis? Wajib!

Dark World Lightning, Target 1 face-down card on the field; destroy that target, then discard 1 card. Normal Spell.
Lawan mu bertahan dengan set monster mereka? Ngga masalah, dan km bisa dapat monster tambahan. Bisa juga target ke Spell/Trap lawan yang ngga chainable, seperti Mirror Force, Bottomless Trap Hole, Dimension Prison, Solemn Warning. Wait, semua kartu itu banyak dipake lawan looh,, :D

Terraforming, buat ngambil The Gates of Dark World dari dek.

Card Destruction, Bayangkan klo tarikan awalmu adalah 5 monster Dark World dan 1 Card Destruction :D

Allure of Darkness, Drawer lagi klo km rasa kurang.

Gateway to Dark World, Target 1 "Dark World" monster in your Graveyard; Special Summon that target. You cannot Summon other monsters the turn that you activate this card. Quick Spell.
Lumayan buat tambahan monster dari grave, ato mencegah monster mu di culik lawan via monster reborn, ato  mau di banish pke dd.crow.

Eradicator Epidemic Virus, Tribute 1 DARK monster with 2500 or more ATK, and choose Spell Cards or Trap Cards; check your opponent's hand, all Spell/Trap Cards they control, and all cards they draw until the end of their 3rd turn after this card's activation, and destroy all cards of the chosen type. Normal Trap
Targetnya 3 Grapha, 2 Sillva, 2 Goldd klo ada field spell, dan kebanyakan ada, buat hancurin trap2 yg menyebalkan, kek bottomless traphole, dimension prison, ato macro cosmos :D

Dark Scheme, Your opponent can discard 1 card to negate this card's effect, otherwise both players discard 2 cards, then draw 2 cards. Normal Trap
seperti ngomong sama lawan, "buang 1 kartu ditangan ato ketemu sama boss besar ku?" Err,, #pilihanyangsulit

Dark Deal, When your opponent activates a Normal Spell Card: Pay 1000 Life Points; the effect of that Normal Spell Card becomes "Your opponent discards 1 random card". Normal Trap
Monster Reborn? Dark Hole? Smashing Ground? Sword of Revealing Light? Heavy Storm? bayar 1000 LP effect nya berubah deh, klo di tangan mu ada grapha, malah jadi monster gratisan dong. Dengan 3 Grapha dan segentong effect drawer di dek ini, km pasti ngga pake lama deh ngeliat naga itu muncul di tangan mu :D

Dark Bribe, When an opponent's Spell or Trap Card is activated: Negate the activation, destroy it, and your opponent draws 1 card. Counter Trap
Negator Spell dan Trap dan lawan dapat 1 kartu gratisan dr dek. Yaa ngga apa klo yg di negate itu monster reborn, dark hole, heavy storm, book of moon, mirror force, torential tribute, solemn judgement. Eh, semuanya kartu limit eh

Sekarang kita cek total harga nya deh,, klo beli 3 SDGU brati km bisa pke deklist diatas dengan sekitar 450rb+20rb ongkir=470rb lah. ga sampe setengah juta. tp gimana klo mau beli satuan? nih harga dari TnT 12 desember 2011.

3x$0.99=2.97 Grapha, Dragon Lord of Dark World
3x$0.49=1.47 Snoww, Unlight of Dark World
3x$0.49=1.47 Ceruli, Guru of Dark World
3x$0.29=0.87 Broww, Huntsman of Dark World
3x$0.29=0.87 Brron, Mad King of Dark World
2x$0.25=0.50 Sillva, Warlord of Dark World
2x$0.49=0.98 Goldd, Wu-Lord of Dark World
1x$0.49=0.49 Sangan

3x$0.49=1.47 The Gates of Dark World
3x$0.49=1.47 Dark World Dealings
3x$0.25=0.75 Dark World Lightning
1x$0.29=0.29 Terraforming
1x$0.25=0.25 Card Destruction
1x$0.49=0.49 Allure of Darkness
1x$0.25=0.25 Gateway to Dark World

2x$0.25=0.50 Eradicator Epidemic Virus
2x$0.25=0.50 Dark Scheme
1x$0.25=0.25 Dark Deal
2x$2.49=4.98 Dark Bribe
total  =$20.82 atau Rp.208.200 klo pke 1$=Rp.10rb. Ongkir 30rb max jadinya Rp.238.200. Ngga sampe 1/4 Juta! Artinya km masih punya 3/4 Juta buat pke kartu2 Epic lainnya buat dek mu, kek Mirror Force, Solemn Judgement, Solemn Warning, Bottomless Trap hole dan lainnya yang km rasa perlu. :p

See, dek hebat ngga musti mahal kan. Tunggu apa lagi mas bro mba yu.
Happy Duels.

- Herry yuukisama -